I donno what to say except I love to draw and listen to music. I don't play games much, but that doesn't mean I don't get into them. One thing I will say, though, is when it comes to my art I don't have a definite art style.

Age 29, Female

In my own imagination. :)

Joined on 6/22/08

Exp Points:
280 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.52 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
5y 7m 20d

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I'm tired of bein so negative all the time. Aren't you? I wanna take the time to be happy and excited for the good things that might come my way, ya know what I mean?

Yeah, my family sucks, but at least I have home to go back to. At least they want to help me get through the hard times. I'm grateful.

I've spent nearly 2 years in Kansas, living on my own with my ex-bf/roommate after being with my family until I was 27. I'm 29 now. And I'll be 30 this year. I've had one hell of a time gaining new experiences and having my own adventures. It was great while it lasted. I have 3 weeks until I have to leave town for good.

I'm gonna miss all the nice people I've met and come to cherish. I'll miss working at the gas station even if my time there ended on a very bad note. I'll miss my roommate, whom I still love dearly and I want to see him live the life he wants and achieve whatever goals he may have. I wonder if maybe one day he'll decide on settling down. I'll miss his family as they were always nice to me and helped us when we needed it. I'll miss Kansas even with its flaws, as nowhere on this green earth is any place perfect. I had lots of fun up to this point, and now it's time to start a new chapter in my life, and more still, a new adventure.

Now I know I can get through anything. Now I know that I can be strong. Now I know I can make it.

I'm looking forward to the future. I'm looking forward to the days to come, and I have so many people to thank for that.

And now it's y'alls turn! Now's the time to take a moment to shrug off all the anxiety and negativity to think about something positive in the future you're looking forward to or something you want to be thankful for. Feel free to post it in the comments here! I'd love to hear all about it! :D


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