As of this moment, until he learns to face the music and decides to take accountability for his actions, I am removing myself from any and every connection to @ThatJohnnyGuy. Johnny, I loved you, but you're no longer the man I once knew and you are not the person I had hoped you were becoming. Revenge plot or not, what you have done is inexcusable and you need to face it. It's over. Goodbye.
From this day forward I no longer wish to be associated with Johnny in any form be it art, music, or other formats. I no longer wish to discuss the gross issue that has been brought to light and I turn my back on him until he has gotten the help he needs and learns what bettering himself really is.
I ask that anyone who knows my history with him or has read my post about him and understand my position in this as his now former friend can also understand and respect this decision. Please do not @ me, do not message me. I remove myself from his life entirely.
Update: I tried to turn off comments but something didn't work right. Please don't use this post to discuss what happened. I don't wanna see or hear about it anymore.
Hey! I remember you! I've seen and commented on your art before! I hope everything goes a lot better from here than it's been going. Here's a virtual hug, if you'd like one.
I appreciate your support.